Halloween started on Thursday with the ward party. Our ward split at the end of September and we were going to have a Halloween party, and then we were not going to because things were so crazy, and then we were back to having a party. In the end it was so much fun, I was so impressed with how fun it was for being thrown together so quickly, and it was simple which was great. We had a chili dinner, games for the kids, and a pumpkin walk. Not to mention all the cute kids who took to the stage on their own to dance, it was the best ward party entertainment ever!!

Saturday afternoon we headed to Rob's brother Tom's wedding. Hannah was so excited to be the flower girl, and it was a lovely day and a lovely wedding.

We were all starving after the wedding, but the kids were antsy to get home for trick or treating, so we hit the in and out drive thru on our way home. I was cracking up at our big box of fries that was completely emptied by the time we got home.

We came home and got everything all set up for the evening and took pictures. Hannah is a bat fairy, Hunter an Army Ranger, and Samantha is an eyeball.

This is the group that Hunter ran around with, thankfully I have friends who remember to take group pictures because I forgot. And I didn't get pictures of Samantha and Hannah with their friends. Darn it!!

I don't remember when Samantha started saving milk jugs, but she saw an idea on Pinterest for milk jug ghosts and decided she was going to create them this year. They were a huge hit, everyone was complementing them and we will now be making them every year.

Hannah was home at 7:45, she was in tears because she was so tired and couldn't go any further. I asked her to shower and get her jammies on which was followed by more tears, so we sent her to bed. She was out by 8pm.

Hunter was home next and he laid on the floor until he fell asleep before Samantha came home at 9:30. She was loving the fact that she was one of the last trick or treaters out for the night and ended up with double the candy that Hunter and Hannah had.
It was a fun night, but I was done with Halloween at about 8:30. Rob and I took down all of the decorations and packed them away as I was finishing our cleaning and laundry for the day. It is 11pm and we are ready to crawl in bed and say goodbye to October until next year.
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