Our pumpkin carving adventure started on Monday, the plan was to eat dinner, buy pumpkins, and then come home and carve. Instead I spent 2 hours slicing peppers to put in the dehydrator and then hauled my family to McDonald's for dinner, made a stop at Home Depot, and then to buy pumpkins before we headed home for bed.
No big deal, I thought, we will just carve them on Tuesday. The only activity planned was Rob had scouts at 6. But then that morning I found out Hannah had activity days and Hunter had scouts at 7, not to mention Samantha had volleyball at 6:15 that I had completely forgoten about. So pumpkin carving was scratched again.
Wednesday became our pumpkin carving day, and we were not going to let anything change that. We at a quick dinner, turned on some Halloween music and got to work.

We all had so much fun, and each pumpkin is unique, I love it. Too bad I forgot about the candles, thank heavens I still have 2 days until Halloween.
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