Craptastic is the word I would use to describe this weekend. It all started Saturday morning at 5:00 am when I hear Hunter calling for me from his room, I went in to check and he informed me he had thrown up, three times. I climbed onto the top bunk and started cleaning up while Rob got Hunter showered. We had Hunter settled and were almost asleep when he started throwing up again. After another change of the sheets, shower, and instructions to use the bucket if he can't make it to the bathroom we headed back to bed. Just as we were all almost asleep he threw up again, this would last for all of Saturday.
Because Hunter was sick I sent Rob and the girls out to find a tree, ideally we all would have gone but I figured we had all gone the weekend before so they could go without us. Hunter and I took naps and I cleaned up the house while they were gone. Just after dark Rob called to inform me the truck was stuck on the mountain and some nice people had given him and the girls a ride back into town and could I please come and pick him up.
Rob spent the rest of Saturday night getting what he needed to pull the truck out in the morning. Thank goodness for family, Rob's cousin Steve came over bright and early to help him get the truck out. Hunter was feeling better so he headed out with his Dad and the girls and I took a chill day because I didn't want to spread any germs that may have been lurking.
The bright spot in the weekend was Rob bringing home a tree, it could rival the Charlie Brown Christmas tree for it's lack of branches. Rob found it close to where his truck was stuck and I will admit I hate it, but I also love it because it has a story we won't forget anytime soon.
And in my opinion Christmas tree's with a story are the best kind no matter how ugly they are.

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