Rob and I didn't buy any candy this year, we figured we had many years sitting at our house passing out candy but only a few years left of enjoying trick or treating with the sidekicks. Samantha asked if she could go with her friends, I didn't think she was old enough yet and it reminded me it won't be long before they are all off on their own. So we turned off our lights and headed out, we wanted to go to the houses which had won awards for the best decorated in town, to the neighborhood I am hoping to live in one day, a few houses in our ward I knew we wouldn't want to miss, and also to one of Rob's bosses house.
Hunter followed his super hero trend with Iron Man, Samantha was Clawdeen Wolf from Monster High and Hannah followed suit dressing as a "Sea Monster named Laguna Blue" (also from Monster High). This was also our first year with wigs, Rob and I bought the costumes and the girls saved up to buy their own wigs and Samantha saved up even more for the extra accessories.
I even dressed up, well as dressed up as I was going to get, my sidekicks loved it and I will probably use the hat for the next however many years it lasts.
The weather was BEAUTIFUL, I couldn't have asked for a better Halloween. I have been telling the sidekicks for weeks we would have to bundle up because it always snows on Halloween, so although I lost a bit of clout I was very happy to be wrong.
On a side note we carved pumpkins Sunday night, we were racing the sun and I was elbow deep in pumpkin guts so I didn't get any pictures, and then we didn't have any candles so I had to wait until last night to get the final pictures.

From Left to Right: Samantha (she drew this face by herself she is my little artist), Hunter's Batman, my bat eyes (made with cookie cutters and a rubber mallet), and Hannah's silly face.
(Left to Right: Samantha, Hannah, Hunter)
We also took our extra pumpkins we didn't have time to carve and the kids made faces with our Mr. Potato Head Halloween pieces.
We had a great time and I was amazed we had the sidekicks home, showered and in bed by 8:30, they were so tired and didn't even complain. OK Hannah complained about having to shower and not being able to wait until the morning because she just wanted to go to bed.
Farewell until next year Halloween, thanks for the memories and the great time this year!!
We had a great time and I was amazed we had the sidekicks home, showered and in bed by 8:30, they were so tired and didn't even complain. OK Hannah complained about having to shower and not being able to wait until the morning because she just wanted to go to bed.
Farewell until next year Halloween, thanks for the memories and the great time this year!!

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