It has been two months of Samantha's ball game every Tuesday and Thursday, throw in Rob's softball on Wednesday and Hunter's Tball games for 4 weeks on Tuesday and Thursday, and you have very few free nights.
Last night our girls lost their second game in the State Tournament, and although it would have been fun to win, I think every parent breathed a sigh of relief. We finally have our nights back, and we didn't have to sit in the 104 degree heat this afternoon.
Softball was so much fun this year, I love that my kids are now starting to get into the competitive leagues and learning the harder they work the better the reward (aka winning). Plus Rob somehow got roped into helping to coach, but secretly he was glad it happened, and has already volunteered to help next year. I know for Samantha, she overcame obstacles and really grew this year which made all the nights spent at the ball field worth every minute.
But as I sit here with zero obligations tonight I can't help but smile. The rest of the summer is ours and I can't wait to enjoy it, because before we know it school will start.
(Thank you Walmart for the reminder.)
And maybe just maybe blogging will become a lot more frequent.

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