I want to blog today but I can not complete a full thought or post in my brain so I think it is time for another addition of...Completely Random Thoughts So I Can Get Them Out of My Head.
* 7 Months ago I had an ectopic, and although Rob and I both agree our family is complete, I have still been a bit sad lately. If it had not been ectopic we would be preparing for the little guy's (because it would have been a boy) arrival. He would have been part of the huge baby wave that includes my Sister Hydi, Sister in Law Katie, Cousin Teri, and friend Jackie who all have welcomed baby boys within the last couple of months. Thankfully I have been able to do lots of snuggling.
* I am leaving for Time Out for Women tomorrow. I get to go with my Mom, Grandma, and sister Hydi (yay for more snuggles with baby Nolen). I am really excited to go, listen, and to learn from the great speakers, plus YAY for a kid free weekend (except for all the baby snuggling I will be doing).
*Saturday is my Mom's birthday so we are going to see Annie at USU. Saturday is also the BYU/Utah football game, but because I love my Mom I am going to see Annie instead of watch said game. It was a hard decision (just ask my Mom), but since I love her (and it is her birthday) I agreed to go with them.
But don't think I won't be checking the score on my phone every chance I get.
* Speaking of phones, I have finally joined the land of the smart phone owner, and I kinda love it. That is all.
* This week Hannah had 2 days of preschool, I had big plans to get lots of things done. Instead on Tuesday I spent the time getting ready for the day and painting my nails. Today I helped in Hunter's class and then came home and watched TV. I did vacuum my floors so it wasn't a complete waste. Next week I need to plan better.
* Yesterday I planned my pockets for my Halloween Advent Calendar (which I never posted, the horror), there are lots of activities I am wanting to do but our weekends are already filling up. Thankfully I was able to squeeze a few in and will be doing lots of praying that Rob gets an Elk at the beginning of his hunt so we can have a few more free family weekends.
I think that is all, my brain already feels a little more clear, for now anyway.

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