Rob and I decided on New Year's day we wanted to go do something, we asked the kids if they wanted to go out shooting, but they were all enjoying a pajama day playing video games, so we decided to go without them and call it date night. It was so cold!! But we had a good time breaking in my new gun. We went to Cafe Rio for dinner and then when we returned home Rob taught me how to break my gun down and clean it. It was so much fun we may repeat this date night a few more times in the future.

Organizing Hannah's room was on the top of our list for the new year so on Saturday Rob and I took a trip to IKEA (again the kids didn't want to go) and bought her new bunk beds and storage cubbies. I spent 4 hours putting everything together and organizing her room. It was a mess but it felt and looked so much better by the time we were done.

Sunday was our first week of 9am church, we loved it!! The kids were all playing together that afternoon and we went to check on them and found this. So young and naive letting their sister tie them up like that.

It is a New Year goal to make sure I am off work by 2 so I can come home and read for a bit before the kids came home from school, give me a minute to relax and switch gears. I took this picture and sent it to Rob as proof that I was actually doing it. Currently I am reading Consider the Fork, such a fun read about the history and technology of cooking.

Hannah had a follow up appointment with Dr. Wilkinson, the surgeon, to check on her eye. Her eye sight registered higher than it ever has and we are so hopeful we can get her to the point where she is using it. He is sending us back to Dr. Yeates to see about some more patching, let me tell you how excited she is about that.

We have started planning Samantha's family birthday party for Superbowl Sunday, she has chosen a pineapple theme and it has been fun to run with it. I figure it is never too early to start party prep.
Also while I was working on all the birthday prep we turned on The Sandlot, the kids didn't think it would be good, but Hunter decided it was his favorite movie by the time it was over.
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