I have really been trying to make our Sabbath's more holy, it has been a major focus for many of our meetings, and for some reason I have really struggled. I am a perfectionist and I am the hardest on myself when things do not go exactly as I have planned. Often the result is me not being as kind as I should be and I get frustrated easily when things do not go exactly as they are pictured in my head. I am working on it.
I tried to incorporate all the great ideas that were being given for making Sunday more holy and all that resulted was a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth and crazy hectic Sundays. I did a lot of praying and trying to figure out what I was doing wrong and how I could make our Sunday better. When the answer came that I was making it too complicated I wasn't really surprised.
I made a commitment to myself that I would just relax on Sunday and enjoy whatever the day gave me. We have dedicated the morning to working on Personal Progress, Faith in God, and Scouts. I also want to incorporate a really yummy breakfast while we watch Music and the Spoken Word, it just hasn't worked out the last couple of weeks.We also eat a nice dinner after church complete with rolls and honey butter, have our Family Home Evening lesson, and make a treat before it is time for bed. The last few Sunday's have been wonderful, relaxing, and after a crazy week just what we need.
I only hope that having a happy family, peaceful home, and relaxing time together is making our Sabbath a holy day. For now it feels right so I am sticking with it.

We also have been choosing a scripture to Ponderize. Samantha found a scripture she loved this week, Alma 37:37, and made up cards for all of us to hang on our mirrors. I really love it too, and loved that she was so excited for it to be our scripture this week:
37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

Our treat this week was caramel apples, I had actually dipped all the apples in caramel while we were at my Mom's house, but then we ran out of time and had to bring them home with us to finish with chocolate and candies. Thankfully they held up and tasted so good when we were done!!

I hope we can stick with what is working for now, who knows what the future will hold, but for now I am loving my Sunday.
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