Friday Trails

Sunday, June 26, 2011

It was another busy weekend at our house (am I sounding like a broken record?) so we decided to hit the trails Friday night and get some riding in.  Rob checked on a trail up Hobble Creek to see if it was open, since it was we decided to follow it up as far as the kids would let us.  The view at the top of our ride was breathtaking, but we decided to see if we could get higher.  The hill was to steep to take the 4-wheeler so we decided to hike, the kids climbed the hill without complaint and were thrilled with what they saw at the top.

We knew Utah Lake was full but it is still a sight to see.  It was fun to point out where Rob works and our house, and be amazed at how flat the valley is thanks to Lake Bonneville.
The kids were not in bed until 10:30pm and thankfully slept in Saturday morning.  We were all worn out but it was so worth it!!

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