October started with Conference Weekend, I always look forward to this weekend when it rolls around in October and April. We made our usual Sunday morning cinnamon rolls and the talks were amazing. I have really loved listening to them again while I get ready in the morning.

Hunter and Hannah had red ribbon week at school which included backwards day and crazy hair and sock day.

For pack meeting the boys took one of the scout values and made a super hero cape.

Samantha came home one night from Young Women's with a gold fish, I was speechless, I really didn't know what to say, and that doesn't happen very often. Rob took it to a pond near his work the next day and let it live a happy life, we just don't think about how short or long that may be.

My boss put blinds up in my office window, I have been able to get so much work done, it is awesome.

Hannah brought home her first outfit for dance, we are both in love.

Our first Young Women's activity as a new ward. We were waiting for the young men to join us for opening exercises and the girls were all huddled around the piano, no one was left out, it was a beautiful sight. I love our ward!!

Samantha dove through an open window after piano lessons and then got stuck, I may have laughed while she tried to figure out how to get herself unstuck.

I try really hard to avoid Beaver when we drive to St. George, but we had to drop of a car so we made it our potty stop and of course the girls had to pose next to the giant Beaver.

Samantha gave a Family Home Evening lesson and picked out our Ponderize scripture for the week centered around a scirpture she heard at a fireside. I was so happy that she was excited about it and made us all cute little handouts.

Hunter made a grappling hook one night and then Samantha and I helped him make it shoot out of a nerf gun. I love when they get creative, and work together.

School Pictures 2015, I just love them all!!

We had parent teacher conference, Hunter and Hannah both walked away with excellent reports, which always makes this Mom's heart happy, despite my grumbling about going.

Hannah wanted to try Volleyball this year, it is a clinic for the 3rd & 4th graders, but so far she loves it. Our Thursday's are busy, but she hasn't complained once or wanted to quit.

Hunter left a crayon in his pocket and it ended up all over the dyer, thankfully the Pinterest solution actually worked. I am still amazed we have made it 12 years without finding a crayon in the dryer.

We have been to many doctors appointments these last couple of months trying to figure out the best solution to improve Hannah's vision. It was decided this month that we have done everything we can and need to look into surgery, it is not a guarantee, but it won't make anything worse, so we have decided to do what we can to give her the best shot of vision in that eye.

The girls and I hit up the doctors office for our flu shot, the boys are avoiding it, and we keep telling them that the little poke now is way better than being huddled over the toilet puking your guts out.

This kid, she cracks me up.

I have felt like a major gardening failure this year, but I did chop up all my peppers and put them in the dehydrator so we could crush them up for seasoning. I forgot to wear gloves and my hands were burning, not smart.

I adore these 3 girls, they deal with me being late to pick them up a lot, and today they hung out in the car while I ran into the bank and left me a lovely selfie on my phone.

We had to meet with the surgeon to get every ready for Hannah's surgery in December, we expected a quick appointment but we were there for 3 hours. Instead of taking her back to school she came and ate lunch in my office and hung out with me so I could get in 2 hours of work. She was spoiled rotten by our special ed counselor Erika, who is my favorite go to source for chocolate.

And then we went to Target to put all the finishing touches on our Halloween costumes and do a little Christmas shopping.

I laughed when I got stuck on my way to work, I love living in a small farming town.

Samantha was loving how her shoes looked out the car window and was taking pictures, she had me drive really slow down the lane so she could line up the perfect shot.

We went out for date night with Dan and Crystal, after dinner we went to find desert. Rob and Dan got these huge ice cream sandwiches. I am still kicking myself I didn't get a picture of Dan trying to take a selfie with his, I still giggle just thinking about it.
Thank you October for being so good to us.
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