So, the kids have been in school for a week, and it has been lovely. I did get a little weepy at the school open house, but truth be told we all needed a little break from each other, and the school hours seem to fly by as I rush around trying to get everything done.
We have done really well this week to settle back into a routine, which is also very lovely. And for the most part I have enjoyed our little 10 minute commute to and from school, it gives me a chance to hear exactly how their day has been.
This year Samantha is in 5th grade, Hunter is in 2nd, and Hannah is in 1st. We decided even though we will not be moving into our house until November it was still a good idea for them to start school there instead of transferring them later. And so far they really seem to like it, which is a big relief for me!!
The first day was rough, part of me would like to forget about it, but hello real life.
We had some issues come up with the house that needed immediate attention, so the night before the 1st day of school we were there until dark and the kids went to bed late. The next morning we were up really early to get as much done before we had to get ready for school and Rob had to go to work. Somehow though (I am giving my Heavenly Father all the credit for this) we did manage to make it on time with happy kids, lunches packed, and still able to stop for a few quick (and I mean quick) pictures on the front porch.
That night as I tucked a very sleepy 6 year old into bed she cried because she didn't want to go to school, it "takes up all my free time". Thankfully she has gotten a lot of sleep and is now really loving school.
The Sunday before school we had a Back to School Feast, although it wasn't so much a feast as it was leftovers, true story. The plan was to make something special, like Cornish Game Hens, but after trying to find them at 3 different stores and eventually running out of time to look any more, we went with Plan B.
Maybe next year, but at least the decorations were cute.

Most of all I think we all deserve a prize for surviving this summer (and eventually building a house), and I think that prize will be a really fun vacation next summer. Seattle here we come!!
Seattle is on my list too :)